
Sunday, 18 August 2013

Blueberry Cheese Streusel Cake

One thing that I can't refuse to do is when my son asking me to cook or bake something for him. He usually accompany me when I read recipe book or searching new recipe to try in my little kitchen. He doesn't just accompany me, but he also randomly pointed cake or bread that looks interest and yummy in his opinion then said "Bunda, please make this cake/bread". So here it is one of the cake that he pointed when we saw cooking magazine together.

This cake is so yummy, truly i love it. I always tempted to any cake with cheese inside. The streusel gives the cake that extra crunch and sweetness while on its own, it tastes nice and light. This cake suitable to eat in the morning with your tea or coffee. I can't say no to eat this cake, for temporary just forget your diet program, LOL. The recipe is so quick and easy to make, everyone who is still in beginner level of baking like me will love this recipe.

It was so difficult to find frozen blueberry in my city. Sometimes i can find frozen blueberry in famous Asian market in here, Lai-lai but if i am not mistaken it has been 6 months later since the last I see frozen blueberry pack in frozen food section. Poor me.. It would be so nice if I can make my own blueberry jam but it's okay. I still can use any kind of blueberry jam that I can find in local market. Then I use St. Dalfour from France, my favourite fruit jam's brand.

Happy weekend!!

Blueberry Cheese Streusel Cake

from: Sedap Magazine

  • 100 g white cooking chocolate, melted
  • 200 g unsalted butter
  • 125 g castor sugar
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 4 eggs
  • 180 g all purpose flour
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • 50 ml fresh milk
  • 50 g cheddar cheese, grated
  • 100 g blueberry jam

Streusel topping:
  • 60 g cold unsalted butter
  • 1 tbsp sugar powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 100 g all purpose flour

  • Streusel topping, in a medium bowl, mix together sugar powder, flour, and salt. Cut in butter using fork until well combined and mixture resembles course crumbs.
  • Preheat the oven 180 degree Celcius and grease a 22x22x4 cm baking pan with parchment paper.
  • In a medium bowl, mix using mixer in medium speed unsalted butter, castor sugar, and salt together. Add melted white coking chocolate. Mix well.
  • Add egg one by one alternates with some of flour and mix well. Add the rest of the flour, baking powder and fresh milk, mix until combined. Add grated cheddar cheese. Mix well.
  • Add blueberry jam in some part of dough, whisk the jam in dough only for a while, until you can see the tinge of the jam in the dough. Pour into prepared baking pan. Sprinkle the streusel topping on top.
  • Bake for 40-45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into centre of the cakes come out clean. 
  • Allow to cool at least 10 minutes before cutting it into desired size.


  1. disini lg musim blueberry....seger2...wah, jadi pgn mbikin bluberry cake ^^

    1. aduuhh blueberrynya mupeng berat... disini susah banget nyarinya... sudah lama gak icip2 blueberry lagi :( pernah kebeneran dapet yg fresh tapi masyaAllah langkanya, yg frozen aja sulit T_T

  2. Hemmm sudah blueberry plus keju, mantaaaaap kesukaanku semua :D

  3. Hemmm sudah blueberry plus keju, mantaaaaap kesukaanku semua :D


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