
Saturday, 22 June 2013

Roti Kasur (Sweet Bread Rolls)

Making bread for me is like a nightmare. I never succeed make it without history of failure, except when I made it with my mother. Don't know why every time I tried to knead the dough it was not go well. I am not expert in kneading the dough. I am hopeless in bread making. 

But you know, my son really love bread so much, and always ask me to buy bread for him. Whenever we pass by our favorite bakery shop, he always said that "Mom, bread....". Then, I try to force myself to boost my spirit to learn how to make bread well. I bought baking book, read many resource in internet about that and of course learning by doing. However how hard I tried it ended nothing. Hence, I choose shortcut way, I bought a bread-maker machine, LOL. That machine will be my savior in making bread.

And here it is finally I CAN MAKE BREAD by myself and assisted by my Kenwood bread-maker machine, LOL. 

I made this bread using Komachi, a wheat premium flour brand from Japan. Actually you can use any kind of high-protein wheat flour that is available in your city. I am using dark cooking chocolate and cheese for the filling. But you can use anything that you like such as jam, melted chocolate, and so on. Above the bread roll I only spread chocolate jimmies and grated cheese. I got the recipe from Natural Cooking Club. It turned out really god, I love the tenderness of this bread. This bread is a good choice if you want to make bread as your family breakfast menu.

Sweet Bread Rolls

Source : Natural Cooking Club

  • 500 g bread flour
  • 3 eggs yolk
  • 100 g sugar
  • 30 g milk powder
  • 11 g instant yeast
  • 5 g salt
  • 250 ml cooking water
  • 100 g butter
  • 1/2 tsp bread improver (optional)
For filling : 
  • Dark cooking chocolate
  • Grated cheese
For the topping:
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tbs cooking water
  1. In a bowl, combine bread flour, sugar, milk powder, and instant yeast. Make a well in the center. Whisk and combine well all egg yolk and water, then add into the well of dry ingredients. Mix and knead it until half elastic, add butter and salt. Continue to knead until the dough is no longer sticky but elastic enough. You want the dough to be elastic. So if you were to take a part of it and stretch it out, you can stretch it to a very thin membrane without it breaking. When you poke a hole in the thin membrane, it should form a close to perfect circle.
  2. Divide the dough into small pieces of dough about 40 g, make ball shape. Cover with cling wrap and let rest for 15 minutes. Deflate the dough, fill with the filling, make ball shape again and place the balls into baking pan that has been spread by butter or lined with parchment paper. Leave it for second round of proofing about 30 minutes until double in size.
  3. Whisk the topping ingredient: egg, salt and water in a small bowl. Brush egg wash on the surface of the bun and spread chocolate jimmies or grated cheese. Bake in a preheated oven 180 degree Celsius for 15 minutes or until the surface golden brown. Transfer into wire rack and let cool completely.

Directions if using bread machine:
  • Put in the order listed below:
    • Eggs yolk, whisked with cooking water
    • Bread flour, milk powder, bread improver. Combine well and put inside the machine.
    • Sugar (on top of the flour in one corner)
    • Salt (on top of the flour in another corner)
    • Butter (on top of the flour in corner, at other side corner where you put salt)
    • Instant yeast (on top of the flour in center, make well and put into the well)
  • Set the setting to "Dough"
  • Wait until the dough process done and continue with manual directions as you can read above.


  1. Thanks for this. I shall try this recipe for Ramadan. Will update once done!

    1. You are welcome. Please let me know by reply your post's link in here after update :)

    2. Mba, keliatannya enak banget yaaa, jadi ngiler... beli tepung komachi di malang dimana ya? Makasih

    3. Mbak Dyananda, klo di Malang mau nyari Komachi di toko Avia aja. di situ dijual kemasan per 500 gram :)

  2. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and looking for something that is very interesting and useful.
    I eat so much and I love it so much.


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