
Monday, 26 May 2014

Ayam Goreng Crispy


Maybe you will think that crispy fried chicken is not kind of health food that we can include as our family menu everyday. But in my home, this crispy fried chicken is one of menu that is usually served at home. My son love to eat fried chicken and about twice a week he will ask me to cook this. I try to cook it by myself and not buy in fast food restaurant (that is very unhealthy with high MSG, bad oil, trans fat and something like that). For the first time, I don't have any idea how to make delicious crispy fried chicken like fast food restaurant sell. Trial and error each recipe that I find and here is my favorites recipe ever. I feel so comfort when I can cook it by myself, I can control the ingredient, not using seasoning powder who contain high MSG or sometimes if I have to use it I only use in very little amount. Because the one who eat this is my son, I try to use good quality cooking oil for him. 

I got the recipe from book "60 Resep Masakan Favorit Anti Gagal" by Fatmah Bahalwan from NCC. Very easy to make. You can choose which one suit you the most, pan-fry it or deep-fry it. I prefer the deep-fry method because it makes the fried chicken crispier. But of course, deep-fry will need excessive oil consumption. The exact amount may vary depending on cook time and temperature, ingredient density, and the specific type of oil used. Hope one day I can buy my own air-fryer Phillips, can fry something in healthy way, LOL.

When cooking fried chicken, flavor is important, that’s true. But a flavorful fried chicken is a mere shadow of its full potential if it lacks a crackling kick. It’s an unwritten rule: fried chicken needs to have a crispy crust—always! To enhance the flavor of fried chicken just make sure you get enough time to marinade the chicken. If I have free time I will marinade the chicken a night before. But sometimes, if I am in hurry, I just cook the chicken with the spices and some herbs (you can use any herb, I usually use Basil and some thyme). Let them cool for a while then dip in the crispy flour and the batter then fry it ;)


Ayam Goreng Crispy (Crispy Fried Chicken)

  • 1 chicken (about 1,5 kg), cut into you desired 
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tbs chicken powder
  • 1/2 tsp ground pepper
  • 1/2 tsp seasoning powder (optional)
  • cooking oil
Crispy Flour:
  • 1 kg flour
  • 2 tbs tapioca flour
  • 6 tbs baking soda
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp chicken powder
  • 1 tsp ground pepper
For batter:
  • 1 egg white
  • 1 tbs chicken powder
  • 500 ml water
  • Place all the chicken in large bowl and toss with salt, chicken powder, ground pepper, and seasoning powder. Allow chicken to marinade for at least 15 minutes, up to overnight would be better.
  • For batter : Whick egg white, add chicken powder and water. Set aside.
  • Prepare the seasoned and crispy flour. Iin large bowl, simply mix all the ingredients. Set aside.
  • Heat the cooking oil, you can use pan-fry or deep-fry but I would suggest it would be better using deep-fry. If you choose use pan-fry make sure the cooking oil is one inch deep. If you want to deep-fry it, just pour as much oil as is needed to completely cover the chicken parts. Let the cooking oil hot before putting the chicken into the fryer.
  • One by one, roll the chicken pieces in seasoned-crispy flour. Then dip them into the batter, then in the flour again for one last time. Just make sure all their parts are covered. Let the chicken rest for a while to allot the coating stick to the chicken and the season come inside the chicken.
  • Fry the chicken pieces in batches until they turn in golden brown. Place aside in cooling rack and allow them to drain. Ready to eat! 


  1. chicken powder yg kayak gimana mbak?

    1. chicken powder = kaldu ayam bubuk :D
      Pake aja kaldu ayam bubuk yg nonMSG, aku pakenya yg nonMSG kok..

  2. Tepung sagunya nyari dmn wi? Sama ngga sih dg tpg tapioka? Kmrn ktnya merk tani apa pak tani gt tp pas ta liat tertulis tepung tapioka

    1. Mbak, klo yang bagus itu memang tepung sagu merk tani, tapi sekarang susah nyarinya. Aku sukanya pake tepung sagu merk Alini karena itu asli memang tepung sagu, Klo yang merk pak tani (bungkusnya ada warna kuning) itu pas aku baca ingredientsnya itu tepung sagu/tapioka yg dari singkong. Sebenernya sih tepung sagu itu sama dgn tapioka juga. Untuk lebih jelasnya coba baca di link ini aja mbak


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