
About Me

Welcome to My Little Kitchen, place where I keep all recipes that I have ever been cooked or baked in my kitchen. This blog also keep some of my food photography learning project as an newbie home-photographer. It would be better if you can know more about me...

I am Dewi Martha Indria, but feel free to call me Dewi or Ietha (as you can see in my blog address URL). I am owner of this blog and also be a food stylist and food photographer of all photos in here. Currently I live happily with my hubby and a toddler boy - in Malang, one of beautiful city in East Java, Indonesia. Beside being a wife and a mother, I am also a General Physician, a Lecturer in one of Islamic University in Malang, a crafter (loves to sew and make crochet), and a Lactation Counselor of Indonesian Breastfeeding Mother Association.

I have been a foodie blogger since 2007 but I didn't make special blog only to keep my recipes. I post that in my personal blog in Multiply. Actually I have been learn to cook since I was child. My best teacher is my mother, she teach me how to cook many of Indonesian cuisine. But at that time, I still didn't have passion in it. Then, I move to another town to continue my study. That kind of condition (far away from parents) push me to learn hard how to cook well, not only just cook but made something delicious to eat. 

My activity in Multiply blog know me to many foodie blogger that inspire me to cook everything with love. And also inspire me to capture all the food, but at that time I still didn't enjoy food photo shoot as much as I enjoy cooking. Slowly but sure, my passion to food photography grow at the same time as my learning to make better food photo shoot. I only used camera phone and old pocket digital camera (Samsung Digimax A503 -that I borrowed from my bestie- and Sony DSC W-110 -my hubby's digicam).

Now, after "the lucky-accident" (my baby boy thrown my pocket digital camera), I decided to buy new and better camera. Then my choice come to Canon EOS 60D. Now, I am happy learn with this new camera and still in on-going process to know the six-O-D (my camera name) better. But don't see me as professional photographer, I am still far away from that level. I am in beginner level, newbie, and still feel so hard learning with light, colors, shadow, composition and so on. For daily, I used only one lens, the Canon EF-S 18-55 mm f/3.5-5.6 IS as kit lens for my six-O-D and Canon EF 50 mm f/1.8 II.

I hope you  can feel so comfort when visit this blog. Just see my photo then imagine how delicious it is. Feel free if you want to give comment or feedback about anything, about the recipe or the photo that I shoot. 

Have a nice time!!

With love,