
Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Ekkado Udang (Prawn Ekkado)

Ekkado is one of Japanese cuisine that is very simple to make. Long time ago, one of Japanese family restaurant in Indonesia, Hoka-hoka Bento, still didn't get "Halal" label from MUI (one of government institute which the member are Indonesian Ulama). So just because I really want to eat this, I try to made it by myself after I read the recipe from this blog.

  • 200 grams prawns, chopped finely
  • 5-7 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 2 eggs, take the egg white only
  • 2 tablespoons corn starch
  • salt
  • pepper
  • sugar
  • 1 sheet bean curd, cut into 10x10 centimeter, or as you like. Immerse it in warm water. Remember not to long to immerse it, it could make the bean curd fragile and hard to shape)
Directions :
  • Add chopped prawns, garlic, corn starch, salt, pepper, sugar, and egg white. Stir well.
  • Once the bean curd are soft, lay them flat. You can spread/sprinkle small amount of water to the sheet. Put some of the chopped prawn base recipe in the middle. Then make a wrap of the bean curd so it form a money bag. Tie the top with cooking string.
  • Prepare the steamer, and make sure the steamer has been hot enough before you put it. Steam it for 15-20 minutes. Set aside after cooked and put off the cooking string.
  • Deep fry them in the hot oil until golden brown. Just make sure that you lower the fire once they are hot so you don't burn the wrapper before the filling is cooked. Ready to be served.
  • To make them look pretty, change the cooking string with shallot cut into strips or use green onion or chives once they are cooked.

Puding Teh Hijau

Selama ini, kalau ada teh hijau di dapur, standar cuma dibuat minuman doang. Nah, kebetulan lihat resep ini di Majalah Dokter Kita Edisi Maret 2008. Warna hijaunya menarik hati (soalnya i love green so much sih) jadilah ublek-ublek dapur buat bikin pudding yang satu ini. Kebetulan di kos sekarang sudah ada lemari es bawaan adek kos penghuni baru  Jadilah, saya kegirangan buat nyobain resep-resep puding yang selama ini cuma dalam impian aja. Kebetulan adek-adek kos saya yang hobinya makan itu pada seneng banget mbaknya yang hobi ngerusuhin dapur ini sering-sering bikin puding  Hasil akhir setelah dimodifikasi ok deh... komentar adek kos "enak mbak.... rasa tehnya kerasa.. puding sehat ini.. bikin yang lain lagi ya mbak" *guBRaks!!*

  • 2 sdm green tea
  • 7 g bubuk agar-agar putih (= 1 bungkus agar-agar)
  • 200 ml susu tawar cair
  • 100 ml air panas (buat nyeduh teh)
  • 250 ml air panas (buat agar-agar)
  • 150 gr gula pasir (atau sesuai selera)
  • 1 tetes pewarna hijau
Cara Membuat:
  • Seduh green tea dengan 100 ml air panas. Diamkan 3 menit, saring.
  • Larutkan bubuk agar dengan air dan gula. Masak sambil diaduk-aduk hingga mendidih. Tuang susu tawar cair, aduk dan masak hingga mendidih.
  • Tambahkan air teh hijau ke dalam adonan agar. Didihkan kembali.
  • Tuang adonan agar hijau ke dalam cetakan hingga cetakan penuh. Dinginkan hingga membeku.
  • Keluarkan puding dari cetakan, atur di dalam piring saji. Hidangkan dingin.